11 Mar Solidarité avec les victimes de la guerre en Ukraine – some resources
L’Association française de sociologie exprime sa totale solidarité avec nos collègues ukrainien.ne.s, ainsi qu’avec les étudiant.e.s et l’ensemble de la société ukrainienne, victimes de l’invasion du pays par les forces armées russes. Nous apportons aussi notre soutien aux collègues et étudiant.e.s de Russie et Biélorussie mis en danger pour leurs positions contre la guerre.
Nous condamnons fermement cette intervention militaire qui viole le droit international et l’instrumentalisation des savoirs de sciences sociales pour justifier cette invasion.
Nous demandons aux gouvernements européens de prendre des mesures immédiates pour accueillir les personnels de l’enseignement et de la recherche ukrainiens, ainsi que les étudiant.e.s et l’ensemble des personnes menacées par cette guerre.
To all sociologists whose life and work have been affected by the Ukraine war: we stand with you and offer support. Below are listed a number of infos & resources should you want to relocate in France. For any communication, please send us a mail at pause.sociology@protonmail.com. The mailbox is cheked as often as possible by one of the AFS executive comitee member.
This is the version as of March 11, 2022. The document will be updated regularly,
General resources:
- Residence permit, access to employment and social welfare are granted to anyone arriving from Ukraine, as announced by the European Union
- Sncf, the main French railway company, has announced that trains are free for anyone arriving from Ukraine (TGV, Intercit s, TER, and international trains) . You only need an ID, or the document delivered by the German railway company DeutschBahn
- Information on how to apply for asylum can be found here:
- For Ukraine nationals, the contact details of the embassy and consular services are here:http://sy and consular services are here: https://ua.ambafrance.org/Ambassade-et-Consulats-d-Ukraine-en-France or on their facebook page is the website is down: https://www.facebook.com/ambassadeukraineenfrance
- France Terre d’Asile https://www.france-terre-asile.org/ offers housing to asylum seekers as well as medical, social and legal help; french courses for adults, school for children, contact points all over France
- Avocats sans frontieres (lawyers without borders) helps with all legal aspects
- La Cimade (https://www.lacimade.org) offers help and legal support to refugees and displaced people in France.
Resources for scientists:
- The PAUSE program https://www.college-de-france.fr/site/programme-pause/PAUSE-Solidarite-Ukraine.htm helps scientists in exile. It is the main program in France, it offers financial support to get started in France, with family. Any French University can apply for you. If you do not have any contact in France, PAUSE can help you finding a host university. You can also contact the Association française de sociologie (French Sociology Association) and the Association des sociologues enseignant-e-s du supérieur (Association of Sociologists in Higher Education) to find a laboratory in your field of expertise by writing to pause.sociology@protonmail.com.
- Specific contact for female scientists, by the Association Femmes & Sciences: soutenir.ukrainiennes@femmesetsciences.fr
- For students: RESOME https://www.resome.org/ is a national network of collective of students, teachers, individuals, associations and informal groups, acting side by side with refugees and migrants to foster access to higher education. Email : contact[a]resome.org also on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/resomefr/
- For all, Euraxess https://www.euraxess.fr/ has helpdesks all over France for foreign students & scientists: entry procedures, social security, legal issues, accommodation, postdoctoral positions and research jobs…
Resources by City:
Paris & Paris area
- For those arriving in Paris: the welcome desk for people arriving from Ukraine, organized by France Terre d’Asile, is 39 rue des Cheminots, Paris 18e. The city mayor provides a list of other contact points and useful info and resources here:
It includes free medical and psychological help for children and families; free meals in kindergarten and schools
- Main entry point for students & academics: welcome desk Paris : https://access.ciup.fr/en/
- Support to students in exile at Ecole Normale Supérieure https://enspei.wordpress.com/ french courses, social activities, help to find the right university
-Useful links (consulate, associations) from the City mayor: